Monday: The Day of the Moon

Ever wondered about the origin of the names of the days of the week? They aren't just random names, but rather, they are associated with celestial bodies that have held significance since ancient times. The days of the week were named after, or are associated with the Sun, Moon, and the five planets visible to the naked eye.

Monday: The Day of the Moon

Monday is named after the Moon, which has been a significant celestial body for humans throughout history. The English word Monday comes from the Old English word "Monandæg," which means "Moon's day." This name was adopted by Germanic-speaking people and was later passed on to the English language.

The Power of the Moon’s Days and Hours

According to the Key of Solomon, an ancient grimoire attributed to King Solomon, the days and hours of the Moon hold certain powers. It is the Days and Hours of the Moon can be used for: Developing clairvoyance and other psychic skills, ensuring safe childbirth, divination, glamour and illusions, lucid dreaming, protection when traveling by sea.


Tuesday: The Day of Mars


Wednesday: The Day of Mercury