At the core of every man and every woman resides a Star. But I’ve found that knowledge of the Stars has been distorted and clouded through time. I’ll begin to explain with the word Luminaire. What is a Luminaire? Well… Here on Mother Earth we go outside and look up and see what we call our Sky: Light Blue in the Day, extremely Dark Purple and Blue at Night. Within this Sky you find Clouds and physical objects that can fly, like birds, planes, helicopters, blimps, etc… Now I’ll get to the Luminaires.. Aww yes, the objects that expel LIGHT amongst the World. The Sun, The Moon, and the 5 other visible Planets to the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Oh, let’s not forget the Fixed Stars: Also known as the Constellations. THESE are the Luminaires. They are the spheres that illuminate the air. Now on to the misunderstood word Planet.

Planet translates to Wandering Star. These 7 Wandering Stars move in their very own unique cycle and speed (Symbolically similar to Mankind). Not Fixed to the Constellations. Hence what makes them the 7 Wandering Stars. It becomes difficult to realize the Moon as a Star. Until the mind truly grasps what a Star really is and begins to release the things that the Moon is not. At the very least, it is widely known that the Sun is a Star. Well yes, in fact it is the King of Stars, the most prominent one and sheds Life giving Light. But no thing exists in our world without having an opposite. So we have the Moon, the Queen of the Stars, the embodiment of water and emotions. These Celestial bodies have existed since the beginning of what we call time. For time is a unit and measurement given to Mankind through the study of the Stars. We have the Weekdays: Sunday(Sun), Monday(Moon), Tuesday(Mars), Wednesday(Mercury), Thursday(Jupiter), Friday(Venus), Saturday(Saturn). Our 12 Months(Moonths) that are roughly 29 Days like the Moon Cycle. And we have the Solar Year when the Sun Completes its 365 day journey through the 12 Zodiacs(Constellations). Is the word Hour really just a measurement of Horus (Egyptian Sun God depicted as a Hawk) moving through our daily Sky. There is a very wise quote used in the Hermetic Community that says “As Above, So Below”. Everything that is above is like that which is below and everything that is below is like that which is above, just as a different matter. The Point that is looked over is that there are actually Stars on Earth, Mankind. We just look different, all the energies of the Stars and Planets above are within us and part of us. That’s why we’re just a mixed system of Zodiacs, Planets, and Elements and we can learn about our True Selves by learning how the energies of each Planet were acting (which depends on where they were in the Zodiacs) when we were born. This is what Astrologers call a Natal Chart. The “Cosmic IDs” I make are a graphically appealing representation of a Natal Chart

Food for thought: Why even bother calling them Luminaries if we can just classify them as Stars and Planets? Oh, well Luminaire must be the one word that defines any Celestial Body of Light in the Sky and not on the ground and since we’re on the ground, well we call the best of us… Stars right?

My True Goal is to literally enlighten all of Mankind with the Knowledge that we are Stars within the vessels we are born in. The body is finite but the soul is infinite. We are light in it’s most beautiful form and we can harmonize as Stars. For Stars never collide. Love, Light, and Life are of their essence.

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